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A really fun tribute to one of my favourite filmmakers. Part of Hero Complex Gallery Carpenter show! Fine Art Giclee Prints in 2 sizes are available HERE
Private Commission 2023
13”X19” Fine Art Giclee
Acrylic and Coloured pencil on Bristol board
For Hero Complex Gallery’s 5X5 Aliens day show. 2022
2.5”X3.5” Sketchcards
Acrylic and Coloured pencil on Bristol Board
For Hero Complex Gallery’s Sketchcard 4 show. 2022
I've long been a fan of Lovecrafts brand of esoteric horror, so I started this one thinking it would be a quick portrait study....however the illustration kept growing. Originally intended to be a quick portrait the addition of the framing Cthulu ballooned the scope greatly but I can't imagine this without it.
This one ALMOST made it to the cover of a Lovecraft anthology from Tachyon Publications but was ultimately replaced with artwork more consistent with the interior illustrations.
It WAS included in a Cthulhu collection from Flametree Publishing!
Back in the day, my good friend Justin and I worked on a pitch for TV show based on an idea he had in animation school. When I started working as a concept artist, I thought it would be fun to do a design exercise based on those characters.
Disc art for Edmonton Block Heaters second album Mars, Massachusetts.
Super tasty.
Album art for Edmonton Block Heaters 3rd release ROVER. Check it out!
Digging into the archives here...one of my early PS illustrations.
More fun Halloween doodling, again from way back.
Illustration done for Creature Features show celebrating Steven Spielberg's studio Amblin and its 35th anniversary.
One of my very very early PS illustrations...did I mention this is old? Be gentle.
Just some fun Halloween doodling from way back.
I did this for my bro.
REALLY old concept/ Illustration I did for a friends D'n'D character.